Execution and Pricing


Rapid technological development in securities market have highlighted the need for maintaining robust cyber security and cyber resilience framework to protect the integrity of data and guard against breaches of privacy. In order to provide seamless execution for our clients, under an institution grade security framework, we have partnered with MFUtilities to offer a robust fintech platform for execution of our advisory services. Our email communications with clients are secured by ProtonMail.

We are doing our best in providing a secure environment for our clients to manage their portfolios. Incase we fall short of your expectations, we are happy to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement at support@wiarawealth.com


Fees from our clients are our only source of revenue. Our fee structures are designed to eliminate;

  • Biased views on asset classes resulting from differential retrocessions
  • Rent – seeking behaviour

We offer a single fee structure to all our clients and across all asset classes. We have an annual appraisal based review of fees, to ensure that we are aptly rewarded for our services and duly penalised for under performance.

Please write to us for a detailed discussion on fee related queries at support@wiarawealth.com