What we do ?

We are a full-service wealth management firm catering to clients with diverse backgrounds and from different geographies.

We offer bespoke investment solutions and assist our clients in availing the best and most reasonable solutions pertaining to their financial needs.

Our’s is a platform created with the sole purpose of simplifying investments and wealth creation for our clients.

We help our clients take a straight-forward, yet less travelled path of “Ancient Financial Wisdom”.

At the core of our belief-system lies our willingness to respect, understand and apply the following in our investment practice;

  • Volatility
  • Asymmetry 
  • Skin-in-the-Game

We do ourselves a favour by accepting that the markets are smarter than us, and hence, trying to predict them is pretty much like playing the “sucker’s game”. 

Instead, we focus on preparing you to take advantage of uncertainties and come out of them stronger, as and when they occur. 

We also do not expect to be right at all times. Instead, we focus on losing less when we are wrong and make significant gains when we are right.

When it comes to risk-taking at a portfolio level, we believe in taking the dual attitude of playing it absolutely safe in some areas and taking on a lot of small risks in others. This stands in sharp contrast with the prevalent investment styles based on a singular risk profile, that often results in mis-pricing of risks and at times, even exposes us to the “Risk of Ruin”.

We intend to have a fiduciary relationship with our clients, where-in we participate in their successes and failures with “Skin in the Game”.

if this gets you interested to know more, please feel free to reach us at support@wiarawealth.com